Summer’s Over Already??

by Urgo on September 9, 2005

Well I haven’t been very active here this summer have I…
I’d recommend checking out my moblog (linked to the right) for pictures I take every few days. That gets updated much more often then the text here..
So since my last update I’ve been many places. I had a great time back at the beginning of August up in Massachusetts visiting friends and family. I posted some pictures of the trip as well for you to check out. I like it down here in VA but its so far away from everyone!! Everyone, move down here okay? 🙂
For business the last place I was in was Albuquerque, although I really didn’t get to see much of it because I was so swamped with work the three days I was there. I’ll be heading back up to Montreal the week after next so that should be fun.
If you are looking for something to watch these days I just recently discovered The Dead Zone and have become very addicted to it. It’s a show where the main character touches people or objects and can see into the future or past and what not. I know it sounds pretty lame when I describe it but check it out and you’ll see. =]

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BUY...BUY...BUY...SELL...SELL...SELL... October 21, 2005 at 9:27 pm



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