Rhett Link’s Mythical Auction

by Urgo on September 25, 2011

Rhett Link’s Mythical Auction

Rhett  Link's Mythical Auction pictures

Rhett and Link two youtubers who started out in North Carolina and have really made for themselves here have decided to move to Los Angeles but before they do so they had a garage sale of mythical proportions.

The only thing I actually really thought I’d get when heading here was maybe their elliptical machine which they were selling for $15 but by the time I got to the front of the line it was already gone. I then *tried* to bid on the auction for a giant canvas but oops! I bid on the wrong item lol. I was looking at the item I ended up bidding trying to decide if I wanted it or the other one and ended up bidding on the wrong one haha. Anyway I’m still happy I got it as well as the cds which I plan on giving away to you guys soon!

It was great meeting up with http://YouTube.com/TheHappyNarwhals again and also great to meet http://YouTube.com/silverdire who just happened to be next to me in line and is the only gentoo user I’ve heard of in years which is awesome! (gentoo is a.. type of linux which I use for SocialBlade)

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