Recommend Me a Book!

by Urgo on June 1, 2012

Recommend Me a Book!

Recommend Me a Book! pictures

Hey YouTube I need your help! I’m about to go on a trip and I need a new book so I’m reaching out to you all for suggestions. Yes I know this is YouTube and not a book club but I figure a bunch of you do read or at least listen to audio books like I do 😛 So please leave me suggestions!

I love scifi techy stuff and suspense books so use that as a start. Some of my favorite books are anything by Orson Scott Card such as Ender’s Game and I also really liked Ready Player One which I did a review on back in Jan:

Oh and are you going to be going to vidcon? I can officially announce I’ll be there! Hope to meet a lot of you there this year. 🙂 Oh and if you’re wondering my eyes are not fully healed just yet but are almost there now!

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