#dotcomguy stats from Urgo!

Statistics generated from Sunday 1/2/2000 to Wednesday 8/2/2000
During this 214-day reporting period a total of 12968 persons visited the channel #dotcomguy

Fan Pics Section!

Daily IRCing activity































7/3 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/12 7/13 7/14 7/15 7/16 7/17 7/18 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28 7/29 7/30 7/31 8/1 8/2

Pink Hours 0-6 Green Hours 6-12 Blue Hours 12-18 Red Hours 18-24

When do we actually talk here?
5% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6%
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Activity Statistics
(Nicks sorted by number of lines written)
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 @woody1 22311488172064436097 127869 "chris, NO, we have enough"
2 sezrah 4261923881992119540 95961 "yeah you meet a lotta nice people online eh"
3 @braidwood 3689296522210829368 84817 "are you gonna be back?"
4 irpaC 1031296591471933431 78840 "you gonna get in trouble arlie"
5 @Rose24 14849206828778017 44425 "and your point is.....?"
6 @DotComGuy 147835652953313149 43117 "Urgo what time is a good time for me to get ahold of you tomarrow
7 @Jodester 237582041562111444 37644 "great, I"m like getting 25 lines at a time"
8 julie99 62455774662718556 37202 "im going to go have some fun with it"
9 AzureRose 277056931164811649 31760 "and to think, I was number one back when I had only 2400 lines"
10 TheNarc 53235751447211133 26679 "social skills are worthless too"
11 WeBsUsPeCt 22205446570212058 25426 "make her stop singing"
12 mdb 1207938918028 24221 "Yeh, had to dress up in clean suits because of optical components.
Got to actually run tests on various on board devices."
13 Ecom 5078382672797755 23938 "what server are you on zekemom?"
14 @princess_rosella 7475128360118202 22971 "oh wait...he'd do that before sleeping"
15 @I_am_cutie 732755119547 22458 "nice talking with you last night"
16 @mscotty82 567862699186 21661 "a bunch of drunks :-)"
17 Deanna101 845142888505 21536 "ok so easter thoughts"
18 M2lazy 2341557911269 19637 "I know...But that's more that my wedding dress cost"
19 rjohn 7789282815356905 19057 "got the oven to 200 and warming up"
20 barbra22 2057438133309268 19036 "1 cup milk and tsp of lemon juice, really- look it up"
21 Be[cc]a 19451890162711657 17119 "oh well. those strawberries weren't much for breakfast. think i'll gooo
eat something.. and get dressed.. and brush my hair.. bbl again"
22 @super_fly_potent_tater 880589236723676 17045 "that is ok hurricane"
23 @Nesta_KC 2967401638635654 16500 "URL for DotComPound pictures, anyone (not the fan page)"
24 snoopysuez 677357013070 15684 "gERble> not like lst nite we were up to 144 i think"
25 Sophora 1912800321823042 15139 "I hope so...I have been there and it is hard"
26 dazyglaze 1112212450656619 14920 "whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh"
27 Nenny 2634125610171 14671 "mail doesn't run this late though..."
28 JUJUdy 4494537715733099 14543 "heard that but didn't believe it"
29 NikkiKub 686360101466 14504 "much easier to get by when people don't expect you to be smart enough...
... to do stuff"
30 tigger19 866135121657 14111 "ohhhhh and its live too"
31 jasun_ 6466296418262839 14095 "that's alright...i wouldn't look down your shirt hound"
32 @Hound 1093411961166 13719 "why? he's an idiot.."
33 ^JenniferAngel^ 160067834804 13658 "it's 3y3 sh4ll 0wnz0r j00"
34 thehurricane 3774118152392849 13043 "i think that big bro is going to get really bad before it is over"
35 hawkdriver 5024164529342538 12141 "they need to link the irc and the java together like they said they
36 Elbow 2103177234764558 11909 "as long as he doesnt start blowing people away"
37 @MysticMist 1534253241813548 11795 "hate to admit but yes i do elle"
38 @Reidelbach 562226133317 11744 "does he have to order beer like 3 weeks in advance"
39 Otis069 499433202347 10741 "i am here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111"
40 Miss_Marsi 352833113369 10508 "You're awful spunky Mister"
41 fdiskguy 5871168510011600 10157 "no i really dont care for grath brooks"

They wrote less than 10000 lines:
PEEPER (8273) @Urgo (8086) Eugenie (7454) @Mr_Tentacle (7420) exBluenose (7286) incog61 (7251)
Lene (7190) Eamon (7137) gazpacho (6994) ctrymouse (6974) ^RadioDude^ (6802) ICE|bERG (6491)
xaxalda (6489) KernelPanic (6227) ernestt (6110) wwmd_2000 (5562) Sorc (5550) @Tamarin (5465)
Agnes999 (5449) Teria (5421) Jonbor (5376) Tre1 (5317) @MrGalaxy (5290) GatewayCow (5141)
DotComWebmaster (5057) Wildflower8 (5056) jenny7 (5040) shorty484 (4922) sg2000 (4581) JuliaGoolia (4526)
dukedotgal (4272) Cassiopia (4235) @Firehouse_ (4200) frodo1 (4050) Smokingurl (3914) MikeB (3847)
NevadaPit (3818) ellebaby (3812) SpiralGuy (3766) MollyK (3724) CastleMistress (3628) fotogirl (3609)
gdmom (3543) @LadySven (3483) Kaboodles (3416) Amadeus- (3403) `Cyn (3266) Reannan (3153)
Bx3Chic (3123) kanga_melb (3122) FireLiLy18 (3120) binaryboy (3103) @twilley (3072) madmaxx79 (3063)
KEITH8 (2866) RebeccaP (2807) AutumnK (2697) GolfCzar (2682) IanStIan (2672) subliminaleffect (2649)

Remaining 12867 nicks didn't talk that much...

Five random topics
Changed by New topic
Urgo  (2/19/2000 1:21)
"Welcome to The Official DotComGuy.Com IRC Chatroom Day #50 ( Chan Stats
and Fan Pics: http://urgo.phluid.com/dotcomguy/ )"
Firehouse__  (3/2/2000 21:24)
"Watch DotComGuy LIVE! at DotComGuy.com - Day #62 DotComGong night!"
Firehouse_laptop  (3/3/2000 20:52)
"Watch DotComGuy LIVE! at DotComGuy.com - Day #63 Are we going camping?"
DCG_Dave  (3/24/2000 12:23)
"[Official www.DotComGuy.com Chat Room] [Day 84, 3/24/00] [Up Next: FitLinxx
kickboxing workout]"
I_am_cutie  (5/14/2000 9:27)
"www.dotcomguy.com {May 14, 2000} Day: 135 Today: Mothers Day Brunch"
Total number of topics during the reporting period: 611

Big Numbers
DCG_FAN_Ron couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined #dotcomguy 2408 times during this reporting period..
sezrah really wanted others to know what was doing - 12156 descriptions alltogether.
[07:03] * sezrah found this out *proudly bows*
The evil guard of #dotcomguy was Firehouse_ who got this reputation after kicking out 1277 persons.
[19:46] <OrderUSdotcom> *******YOU can Watch DotComGuy at OrderUS.com in FULLSCREEN and they will give you
$50 for joining******
[19:47] *** OrderUSdotcom was kicked by Firehouse_ (Ex-Communicated!)
Also Urgo tried to look cool and kicked out 1033 persons..
Sore butt award goes to princess_rosella for being kicked out 197 times..
[02:32] <princess_rosella> :P
[02:33] *** princess_rosella was kicked by Firehouse_laptop (Expelled!)
irpaC knew what to say and said "DCG" for 4018 times.

Loudest one was Guest47443 with yell percentage of 49%!
Second loudest on the block: Babblefish - 36% with high volume!
woody1 gave most ops - actually 106 of them.
DCG_FAN_Ron behaved badly and got deopped 55 times..
Guest65746 had many things uncertain - 71% of lines contained a question.
..and silver medal goes to GretchenInCA - with question ratio of 48%.
woody1 spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 519 times..
Runner-up auto-chatter: sezrah - spoke 409 times with himself..
TheManFromNOwhere wrote longest lines - average of 79 letters per line.
Average line length on #dotcomguy was 29 letters.
#dotcomguy's nick flooders: (Still haven't found the best one, woody1..)
woody1 - 444 Nickswoody1(80%), woodstock1(4,2%), woody2(0,7%), woody|homeless(0,5%), woody|26today(0,5%), wood_star(0,4%), woody|FreeToAgoodHome(0,4%), woody|ducky(0,3%), woodcap(0,3%), woody_(0,3%), woody|surfin(0,3%), woody3(0,3%), woody|wearinDCGshirt(0,3%), woody|kiwichicky(0,3%), woody|writinStuff(0,3%), woody|leachinSongs...
DotComGuy - 244 NicksDCG_FAN_Ron(39%), Duke_of_URL(31%), DotComGuy(8,3%), DotComGuy_laptop(3,7%), DOT_COM_GUY(2,4%), DCG-mscotty82(1,5%), dono(0,7%), dotcomedian(0,5%), dcg(0,4%), DotComGuyDownstairs(0,4%), DotComGuy_(0,4%), DCG_Laptop(0,4%), DCG_GUESTS(0,3%), DotComGuy_InBed(0,3%), DotComDude(0,3%), DotCumGuy...
irpaC - 172 NicksirpaC(81%), irpaCdcg(11%), irpy(1,1%), irpaCbrb(0,9%), ikkiN9(0,6%), ikkiN(0,4%), irpaCc(0,3%), irpaCdbgbrb(0,2%), irpaCfootballisSilly(0,2%), irpaCgoatee(0,2%), irpaCwatchinthefeed(0,2%), irpaCreading(0,2%), irpaCamcANDoltl(0,1%), irpaCVVooVVoo(0,1%), irpaCdrunkCantChaT(0,1%), irpaClongtonguegenesimmons(0,1%), irpaCshower...
dazyglaze - 154 Nicksdazyglaze(58%), dazyglaze|cleaning(3,2%), dazyglaze|youcantseeme(2,9%), dazyglaze|studying(2,3%), dazyglaze|sauced(2,0%), dazy_studying(1,9%), dazyglaze|cinderella(1,8%), dazyglaze|busy(1,3%), dazyglaze|silly(1,1%), dazyglaze|working(1,1%), dazyglaze|baking(1,0%), dazyglazy(1,0%), dazyglaze|sleepy(1,0%), dazyglaze|writingpaper...
sezrah - 145 Nickssezrah(97%), sezrah01(0,6%), sezrah1(0,6%), sarah_-(0,2%), sezrahbrb(0,1%), SheTrinity(0,1%), sezisnearlyfreee(0,0%), silly_sarah(0,0%), sally_(0,0%), sarahisreallygoingswimming(0,0%), sam_i_am_(0,0%), sezdoingsaturdaystuff(0,0%), spaghetti_on_toast(0,0%), Sarah_Tetlow(0,0%), sarahisvacuuming(0,0%), sezrah02(0,0%), sarahbroke...

Monthly statistics
*** Total number of lines: 1,930,306 ***
Estimated number of lines for current section: 190400 lines

#dotcomguy's short line writers
  Nick Number of Lines Random Quote
1 woody1

2 braidwood

3 sezrah

4 irpaC

5 Rose24

6 julie99

7 barbra22

8 thehurricane

9 princess_rosella

"hi hi"
10 mscotty82

11 I_am_cutie

12 DCG_FAN_Ron

13 rjohn

14 tigger19

15 TheNarc

16 super_fly_potent_tater

"it is"
17 AzureRose

18 NikkiKub

19 mdb

20 M2lazy


Most used words
Count Word Last used by At
30499 "there" Jonbor 8/2/2000 17:34
28342 "think" Jonbor 8/2/2000 17:42
24413 "about" Reidelbach 8/2/2000 17:18
17590 "would" spotie 8/2/2000 16:10
16856 "going" spotie 8/2/2000 17:25
16172 "where" thehurricane 8/2/2000 16:00
15311 "really" crazyremixman 8/2/2000 17:44
14189 "thanks" thehurricane 8/2/2000 15:27
13105 "night" spotie 8/2/2000 15:53
12751 "right" thehurricane 8/2/2000 16:29

Most referred nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
53128 "DCG" pubu 8/2/2000 15:10
19467 "woody" thehurricane 8/2/2000 13:22
11902 "braid" super_fly_potent_tater 8/2/2000 15:50
10495 "twilley" spotie 8/2/2000 13:28
8733 "dotcomguy" spotie 8/2/2000 16:36

Most mentioned URL's:
Count Word Last used by At
409 "www.calmdown.com" dotcrazyguy 8/2/2000 17:16
392 "www.dotcomguy.com" spotie 8/2/2000 13:22
350 "http://urgo.phluid.com/dotcomguy/" irpaC 7/26/2000 21:53
256 "http://urgo.phluid.com/dotcomguy/" Urgo 8/1/2000 21:49
159 "Dotcomguy.com" Tajas 8/1/2000 8:11

DotComGuy gets to leave in:

Your browser does not support Java. Please use our non-Java timer.

(Countdown uses your computer's clock to get the current time. DCG Gets to leave at noon
Jan 1st 2001 CST. Add or subtract as many hours as needed to get to CST. CST is GMT-6)
This page was created on 8/2/2000 18:04 with mIRCStats v1.15.
Run time: 17 mins 44 seconds. Language file "lang_english.msl" done by Ave
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