22 Years and counting

by Urgo on December 1, 2002

As school gears up for the final three weeks it was great to have a little time off this past weekend for thanksgiving. Except for Friday when I worked all day (easy day) I got up at about noon. This gave me a lot of time to catch up on lost sleep, and to bank some sleep for the following few weeks.
Also another important event happened today. At exactly 5:30pm today, 22 years ago I was born.
If someone wants to give me a birthday present Marth’s printer needs new ink cartridges. I just tried to print out the psych paper I wrote Friday and it didn’t really work. It came out very very light and in a blueish hue. I even brought blank paper from home which is what the problem with the printer was for the first part of the semester.

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marf December 1, 2002 at 7:59 pm

Jay that wasn’t an important day. Ah yes and welcome to the grand ole age of 22. Much better than 21 I have found. Like a fine wine it just gets better with age.


marf December 1, 2002 at 8:00 pm

Oh yeah and chinh. This is a fake email address so don’t try emailing me at it again :-P.


nmx December 5, 2002 at 2:23 pm

Happy belated birthday!


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