The End

by Urgo on August 11, 2002

Yeah its over. Not this BLOG but my vacation. Yesterday was my last day on the cape and I finally met up with Rich. He lives 20 minutes from where I was staying but I never got in touch with him until the last day. We ate lunch at the TGI Friday’s in Hyannis. Good food there. We talked for awhile eating huge burgers then took off.
After lunch I headed back and started packing. A few hours later I was off on the road to Charlton, a town that is almost as small as mine. Don didn’t give me the best directions ever, but I eventually found my way to his house where his parents were having a BBQ to celebrate the Patriots first pre-season game. I am not a sports person myself but I beat everyone at a game of EGGS (basketball OUT/HORSE/etc) and I also beat Don in a game of pool. After chilling for several hours I took off for home.
I forgot to take pictures of Don’s house and Rich’s visit but they really did happen. =] It’s weird now being back at home, but in another few weeks I’ll be packing up and moving back into UMass. Rich and Don are ready for school to start back up, and I am just about there myself. Now if UMass would just give us our damn schedules. Maybe we’ll be lucky and tomorrow they will be online.

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

Vinny August 11, 2002 at 10:26 pm

damn you jay…you could have done a summer collage of everyone’s houses once we move back to amherst 🙂


chris August 12, 2002 at 10:31 am

Martha – you got the nickname ‘Martha’ not only because you work on Martha’s Vineyard. But also because sometimes, not always, you act like an old woman. Thus we have the Martha’s Vineyard, and the old woman status which combined gives us the nickname Martha.


Urgo August 12, 2002 at 11:45 am

Lol. You replied to the wrong msg though Chris.
And yeah.. Oh well. I guess I can’t now. I didn’t even go to Rich’s house, just met him at the mall.


Vinny August 12, 2002 at 11:19 pm

Chris the old woman thing is just another lame attempt at trying to justify a horrible nickname, and I don’t buy it, and quite frankly I’m a little insulted by your comment, but this blog certainly isn’t the place to begin such a conversation. And if by me writing any of this is indicative of being an old woman…SO BE IT!


Brian August 12, 2002 at 11:24 pm

Oops I didnt realize that my last entry was under Vinny, my bad.
I don’t mean to be harsh but this topic pisses me off.


Urgo August 12, 2002 at 11:32 pm

Damnit you two, have your flame war in the correct blog entry hey.


Brian August 12, 2002 at 11:37 pm

Come to think of it, I would say that it would be a lie to say that I got the nickname b/c of the old woman thing in any way shape or form and like I said way back in my first rebuttle this is just one more lame excuse for people to use the nickname that was added on after the name was thought of. I could go on but I’m a not a happy camper right now so I really need to stop posting for now.


Chris August 13, 2002 at 12:58 pm

Martha(Brian) You know that I think you’re a good guy and you’re my friend..sorry to state the truth about your name, justification or not it’s how it happened….regardless of that I think you’ve grown out of the ‘Martha’ stage of a young larvae grown into a butterfly


Urgo August 13, 2002 at 2:46 pm

Lol. You really think so? Look at that picture down there. Doesn’t that look like a Martha to you? =] But yeah, Martha you are a good “guy”. =]


Brian August 13, 2002 at 9:45 pm

Sorry for the bitterness chris…last night the whole topic hit me the wrong way. I’m not saying that I like the nickname by any means, but last night I was too harsh in response to your posting. So in keeping in line with my character (forgive and forget sort of thing), in the end nothing was taken to heart on this end.


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