English Tool

by Urgo on October 24, 2002

Well another busy week is pretty much over. My laptop has been handling very well. I bring it around a lot with me even though it weighs about 10 pounds (counting extra weight of bag and power supply). It has proved useful already, epically for homework nights at Don & Brett’s.
Speaking of Don and Brett I am considering moving into their apartment next semester. I have enjoyed living in the dorms for 7 semesters so far but I may decide to make the switch to off campus housing for a few reasons. It might actually be cheaper, it has muuuuuuuuuch more room (its amazing what a living room can do for you), its not that far away from campus; epically since I have a bike, I’ll be a little more ready for moving into the real world (which hopefully this summer I’ll have an internship/job), and more. I still have to think about it though so don’t hold your breath. =]
Now you might be wondering how I am going to move in there if its full right now. That is because Don and Kat are going to Wales for next semester! Congratz to them. For the past two years I have wanted to goto England for spring break so next spring I think this will be a great opportunity to do that. Anyone else in for it?!?!?!? Lets start doing some serious planning so when Don goes to get his passport we can go to and commit. All-in-All the cost of a trip to Europe is much cheaper then a trip to Mexico or FL. So, if your up for it lemme know.
Lastly, as you can see in the current web cam image, TOMORROW TOOL IS COMING TO UMASS! So right now I’m blasting tool to do a little pre-gaming. Also, since “I know the pieces fit”, I will be picking up my car tomorrow as well. It has only been, what, A MONTH well three weeks since it broke down, and been in the shop since 10/7. At least the good news is I’m still getting it fixed for FR$$.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Liz October 24, 2002 at 10:04 pm

Oh… I wish I could go somewhere… I’ve never flown on a plane. I think about it, though. How long will you be there?


Urgo October 24, 2002 at 10:59 pm

Just spring break, so a week.


pulski October 25, 2002 at 12:12 pm

Is that because you “watched them tumble down”? 🙂
I too have never been on a plane. All of my trips have been in a car. Florida sucked because that is a bit far away and we blew a hole through our engine block in SC. 🙂
By the way, Tool rules and I hate you. 🙂


Urgo October 26, 2002 at 3:08 am

Yes it definitally is Pulski. The concert was sooooooooooooooo cool. Too bad you weren’t there, muwhahhahaha. See todays post for more info =]


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