Parking “Towing” Services

by Urgo on September 27, 2003

Much has happened since my last post in regards to parking services.
On 9/11 I met with student legal services just to affirm my case, and lay the groundwork incase something went wrong in my attempt to get my money back. I was told that I had a real good case, but good cases still get rejected by parking services. I was given one piece of advice though which was to try to get in contact with the Resident Director of the building that I was parked near to find out anything about signs posted.
Later that day I called the RD of Gorman and he said that there were signs posted on the entry door to his building, but he knew nothing of signs posted by the lot itself. So I would have had to slow down and look for a 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper on a dorm before I drove another 200 feet to park my car. No way I would have seen that sign.
My meeting with Parking Services was on 9/15. I spoke to who I think was Pat Katie, the appeals officer. I had turned in my paperwork a week previous to our meeting and this seemed to be the first time she set eyes on it. She seemed a little sympathetic but I was not sure. Our meeting was brief as she said she needed to do some research (call officer that ordered tow, etc) before making a decision. She promised me that by the end of the week should would call me and let me know what she decided.
Tuesday, no call. Wednesday, nothing. Thursday no call. Friday afternoon still nothing. Finally I decided to go down to the office myself Friday at about 4pm (30 mins before they close) and see what was going on myself. Just as I expected the person who promised to give me a call had left for the day several hours before. The good news is however that the paperwork was there, and finished. The decision was made THURSDAY so she had plenty of time to call me before she left on Friday. Lie #1 for that day.
MY APPEAL WAS GRANTED! Yay. Good news. Now since Sue at the Parking “Greeter” desk had told me when I dropped off my appeal form that I could get my refund right then and there on my credit card I pulled out my card and gave it to her. She told me that she could not give me a refund on a credit card this time and said that she never said that last time. To make things worse she said that I would have to wait 3-5 weeks for a check to be mailed to me!!! I then went into a play-by-play account of when she said it the last time and she admitted that she lied to me. Lie #2.
So at this point they admitted that they should not have towed me on Sept first, but refused to give me any money until October 23rd, almost two months later!! Now this is ending up costing me even more money as interest is accruing on my credit card.
I asked to speak to her supervisor, the director of parking services and of course he had left for the day as well. Instead some other woman came over to me and said that they were not allowed to process credit card refunds. Blah blah. She did say (promise #3 now) that on Monday (9/22) she would expedite the refund so that the check would be cut as soon as possible. She said this would take two weeks, so I have now been promised that on October 6th I can pick up my check from their office. I highly doubt that this is going to happen, but we shall see.
Here is a picture of my appeal form.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

marf September 29, 2003 at 3:04 pm

B**chfest 2003 has now come to a close. Hehe jk Jay, way to follow through with it. Don’t mess with Urgo, or he will always seek complete vengeance.


Urgo September 29, 2003 at 3:10 pm

Hehehe. That’s right. =]


siokaos September 30, 2003 at 11:39 pm

Your persistance is commendable, Urgo.


Elizabeth October 2, 2003 at 7:38 pm

Give it to the man!


nmx October 7, 2003 at 4:57 pm

So did you get the refund yet?


Urgo October 7, 2003 at 11:47 pm

nope. Bastards screwed up the paperwork. I’m hoping for this friday but not holding my breath. At least the person I talked to monday admitted they messed up and spent about 20 minutes on the phone trying to speed up the process and track down what was going on. Bonnie, thank you.


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