Smile Empty Soul

by Urgo on December 1, 2003

Well I just got back from the Smile Empty Soul concert and boy was I glad I went. The concert was an invite-only concert, well win-only concert that 99.3 sponsored that was unlike most others. The event was at a local bar in Northampton named Harry’s and only about 30-40 people were invited. With this type of crowd the show was very personal and in between every song the band spoke with the crowd answering questions relating to lyrics in their songs and other general aspects of their life.
The whole show was done with acoustic guitars and snare drum so again that made for a more low-key environment. They opened up with Bottom of a bottle, continued on with a first-ever playing of Nowhere Kids acoustically, For You, Silhouettes, and finished up with This is War.
I have been listening to their music since I first heard about them this summer and I was glad I got the opportunity to see them today. After the show ended there was free pizza and the band signed the free cds that they gave out.
I had the chance to ask a few of the members some questions. The most notable question was the following: I asked Sean, the lead singer how he felt about fans downloading their music on the Internet and he more or less said he was ok with it. Sean said that they do not make any money off of the CD sales as the recording company takes any “profit” and puts that money towards their promotional fees. The only thing that record sales do for SES is keep them having a contract with the record label.
I highly recommend buying their CD. It’s worth it. =] I think SES is going to be a big band in the near future.
Here are some pictures I took:

Sean, Ryan, Urgo (me), and Derek

Ryan, Derek, and Sean (playing Silhouettes I think)

Sean singing “This is War”

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }

marf December 4, 2003 at 8:35 am

Hey followers. Just wanted to say I am pretty sure I will make it to 2600 this friday. I couldn’t get on for some reason, so I decided to post it here. I may be there 7:15-7:30. Happy 2600 everybody :).


Phr00t December 4, 2003 at 4:24 pm

I find your site offensive. You didn’t have to yell ‘YOU’ when asking me what I think.
And those bubbles that move… they make me think you are conducting illegal experiments on little children.
Urgo is a thug m*tha-f*cka? Bustin’ caps wid dah homiez of Smile Empty Soul. Man, ruff riderz all dah way!


Urgo December 5, 2003 at 1:34 am

lol lay off the crack phr00t 😉


marf December 16, 2003 at 9:59 pm

Wow laptops do make really good servers. You weren’t lying. I am using that p166 for mine for my databases project. It’s great when I want to use it I open the lid and it comes out of suspend then when I don’t just close the lid again. FANTASTIC!


Crystar January 7, 2004 at 1:27 pm

cool…you know. that’s great that you met the band. i hope that you are noy lying…okay..well fantastic job!!!


levi February 9, 2004 at 7:48 pm

Dude thats awsome you met SES. They are the fukkin shit. Bottom of a Bottle is my anthem


Laura February 22, 2004 at 12:59 pm

Hi. I just bought Smile Empty Soul’s CD and I am totally in love with it already. I was taken aback by how melodic and gorgeous Sean’s voice is. Not to mention the overall awesomeness and godliness of the entire band. But Sean’s voice is so amazingly wonderful… especially in “Silhouettes”… Wooooow lol


chrstina March 25, 2004 at 9:52 am

hi. i LOVE smile empty soul! they are so awesome!! i never heard of them but when i listened to them for the first time i fell in love with the music. all the songs are so kick ass!!! sean’s voice is so sexy!! my favorite songs are For You and Silhouettes. those songs are awesome and they really speak to me. i hope that REALLY soon i will get to go to a smile empty soul concert cuz i luv em so much!! your so lucky to have meet them. they are so hot!! SMILE EMPTY SOUL ROCKS!!


christina April 7, 2004 at 11:49 pm

hi. i think Smile Empty Soul is the greatest band alive!!! ALL the songs are just the greatest thing i have ever heard!!! Derek has to be the hottest guy i have ever seen!! omg if i could just see you guys in concert i would flip out because you guys are so awesome! seans voice is so dreamy!!! i hope that soon ill be able to meet SES too…and beleive em that eould be the best day EVER!!! i love all their songs!! SES kicks ass!


savanna June 14, 2004 at 11:16 pm

hey smile empty soul yall guys rock. you guys did an alsome job at the crawfish boil. Me and my friends thinks derek is so hott and sean and ryan u are hott to . Hope u come back to birmingham alabama again. I going to try to go to another concert of yalls in florida i hope i can go to it to see all of you. well bye


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