YouTube NextUp Application (Urgo’s YTO 36 Day 330)

by Urgo on March 27, 2011

YouTube NextUp Application (Urgo’s YTO 36 Day 330)

YouTube NextUp Application (Urgo's YTO 36 Day 330) pictures

UPDATE: Please vote for me! I was selected as a semi-finalist!!

About YouTube NextUp:

YouTube Orbit (largest daily video creator colab channel):

Essay Questions:

1) What do you plan to use your prize money for? (400 word limit)

Four years ago when I started on YouTube all you needed was a camera and decent editing skills to get by. Today however the bar has been raised quite high if you wish to really succeed. With the $35000 prize there’s quite a lot of things I’d like to get to take my videos to the next level.

The past year I’ve been seeing more and more people using DSLR cameras and I love the picture quality and colors coming from them so that would be my first purchase. In addition I’d pick up a pocket camera or two (always need a camera with you!) and accessories for the various cameras including wireless microphones for better sound quality. In terms of a home studio I don’t do too much at the moment due to poor lighting and acoustics so I’d like to totally revamp that as well with proper lighting and acoustic padding and a better green screen. Lastly the editing and rendering process is probably my biggest hurdle in terms of making high quality videos and getting those out there fast so I’d like to upgrade both my home desktop computer system and also get a high end laptop for mobile editing from YouTube gatherings I attend and other road trips and vacations.

After all of the technical aspects are out of the way something else I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time now is to improve on my marketing. I’ve looked into producing t-shirts and giving away a whole bunch of them to my viewers some directly to my most loyal viewers and some via contests but I haven’t yet due to excessive costs. With the $35000 I think I could give away quite a few to help spread the word about my channel.

2) Why do you want to be a part of the YouTube NextUp program and what you hope to learn at the YouTube Creator Camp? (400 word limit)

I am applying to the YouTube NextUp program because I believe I have what it takes to be the next big thing on YouTube in my genre. I have been deeply involved in Social Media since before it was even called Social Media. When digg was still a relevant site I was the most successful submitter to there. On twitter I have grown a massive following and keep a klout score above 60 (currently 64). I ran a well liked social media webshow for almost two years discussing the latest in social media news and on YouTube for almost a year now I have run one of the biggest collab channels in existence with currently around 60 people doing daily videos for it including myself.

I know how to work with my community of viewers and keep them engaged providing relevant compelling content to them and am applying to YouTube NextUp to take this to the next level. Beyond the prize money itself one of the biggest draws to the program is the promotion aspect to it. I currently produce daily videos on YouTube but there’s only so many people I can reach without working the youtube ads system and getting people that way. With YouTube Next not only do I hope to learn tips and tricks from some of the best in the industry I am looking forward to further my networking and get help promoting my videos.

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Urgo’s YouTube Orbit – Daily Video 330 of 365 – March 28th 2011

YouTube NextUp Application (Urgo's YTO 36 Day 330) imageYouTube NextUp Application (Urgo's YTO 36 Day 330) pictureYouTube NextUp Application (Urgo's YTO 36 Day 330) images

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