The YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo’s YTO 17 Day 349)

by Urgo on April 15, 2011

The YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo’s YTO 17 Day 349)

The YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo's YTO 17 Day 349) pictures

Every once in a while I hear on twitter or youtube someone complaining that the YouTube Community is dead and that youtube only cares about the top partners. To this I say 1) WRONG and 2) caring only about the top partners has nothing to do with the community.

Let me explain a bit further. YouTube first and foremost has to pay their bills and also make a profit. The site isn’t a charity so they do have to be able to run it and also make money off of it themselves. That being said its a lot easier for them and business smart to keep promoting partners who are already making them lots of money. The good thing though is they aren’t ONLY doing that. With the NextUp contest I’m still waiting to hear back on they actually are taking a chance on some new blood as well to add to the mix. Anyway none of this has ANYTHING to do with community.

YouTube is the 3rd biggest website in the world (1google 2facebook) so there is no one youtube community. That’s like saying that everyone in North America joins hands and sings comb by ya every night. Think of YouTube as a city and inside that city there are tons of different communities all thriving on their own. Not EVERYONE is a part of one and those people may or may not feel alone and outcasts but its at least partly their fault. If they looked they could find a group of people down the street that all care about the same things as they do and BAM they just joined a community. The same goes on YouTube. If you’re looking to lose weight there are weight loss communities. If you care about makeup there are makeup communities. If you want to try to make daily videos on YouTube for a year well that’s the community I run.

Is it YouTube’s job to promote these communities no not really but I do think that it will make users happier and make the site a better place to be on so I HOPE someday they’ll figure out a way to do so. There used to (and actually still might be) a groups feature to do this but it didn’t work very well. Hopefully they’ll come up with some way to feature communities better because they really are still there!

What do you think? Have you found a community yet to join on YouTube? Are you just a watcher/commenter and watch random videos (thanks for watching mine btw!)? Do you feel lost as if you’re shouting to no one because you AREN’T in a community? Please leave a video response and lets get some dialog going here.

Thanks to for today’s intro!

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Urgo’s YouTube Orbit – Daily Video 349 of 365 – April 16th 2011

The YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo's YTO 17 Day 349) imageThe YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo's YTO 17 Day 349) pictureThe YouTube Community is NOT Dead!! (Urgo's YTO 17 Day 349) images

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