Real Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter

by Urgo on September 5, 2011

Real Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter

Real Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter pictures

As someone who loves stats and created an entire website to let people track their own stats (on youtube digg) real time web stats to my own sites really interest me. There are a number of tools out there on the web these days to show you who is visiting your website (such as google analytics) but the I really love the ones that give you this data real time.

Woopra 0:49 8:19
Woopra just like all of the others have a web app you can use but I really like the desktop app they provide as well. It seems like they are trying to kill it off but I hope they don’t. Woopra which has probably been around longer then any of the others is very polished. You can quickly see how many people are live on your site and then easily sort the information to see where people are coming from what countries they are from etc. The only real downside here is you only get 30k pageviews for free and then it gets really expensive. If their prices matched what some of their competition charged I’d probably stick with them but the fact is they don’t so they are starting to lose my business.

Chartbeat 2:25
Chartbeat is a much simpler stats site compared to woopra but it does the real time user graph really well. You get a nice chart a the top showing a graph of users over the past day as well as a big counter. What they make it hard to do though is to see where people are coming from specifically. They’ll tell you someone came from youtube.. but… well good luck finding the exact video 🙂 I do really like their alert feature though that sends me a text message when I get traffic spikes or my server has issues. Chartbeat is not free but at $10/mo for up to 1000 concurrent users its currently my favorite priced site.

Reinvigorate 4:31
Reinvigorate in many ways aims to do the same thing woopra does but IMHO doesn’t do it as well. It’s a much clunkier interface making finding the information you’re looking for hard. The one neat thing it does do though the others don’t is give you a heat map that lets you really see what people are looking at or at least where they are putting their mouse when looking at your pages. One plus over chartbeat though is you can actually see the full link to the page your visitors are getting refereed from.

Statcounter 7:48
This is a very basic site compared to the rest but a quick way to get a counter for free updated in real time of how many page views you got for the day. That’s really all I use it for. They have a paid version but honestly I’ve never tried it since I get more out of the other sites.

Summary 8:48
In short if your website has less then 30k pageviews a month I’d really recommend woopra to you as its a great tool but their pricing is just not competitive enough so if you have more then that I’d recommend chartbeat. I just really wish the sites would agree on what an ‘active visitor’ was since the numbers are so different I really don’t know who is right if any.

What do you use? Have you used any in the past? Let me know in the comments your favorite or which you’re going to try out.

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Real Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter imageReal Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter pictureReal Time Analytics: Woopra vs Chartbeat vs Reinvigorate vs Statcounter images

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