
by Urgo on May 21, 2003

So I have come to the end of my fourth year here at UMass. My grades will tell the true story, but I think this semester went fairly well, one of the better semesters I’ve had. A lot has happened in my four years here that I am going to miss, as I will soon be leaving UMass for bigger and better places, but I still have one semester left.
In the Fall of 1999 I started as a little freshman, 18 years old living away from home for the first time. Moving into McNamara in Sylvan was an experience. I remember the first few weeks here were great. Since I was one of the only people that actually understood how the Internet worked at UMass (stupid TAU’s), I was able to help a lot of people setup their computers to get on the internet, and as a result meet a lot of people. Many of these people I still hang out with to this day.
Another thing that happened freshman year was the start to a line of weird roommates. My first roommate, Evan (whom I think I saw in wheeler a few weeks ago but wasn’t sure) was cool for the first few weeks, but then he started disappearing. By the end second half of the semester I saw him once a week tops as he lived with his girlfriend. No problems with Evan, it was just weird.
The second semester Evan moved out to live in another residential area and I got assigned a new random roommate, Ndubiouse or something like that… Nice guy but we didn’t really match and he only started there for about a week. He used to wake up around 6:30/7am and loudly play Christian rock music.. and also leave it playing loudly every time he stepped out of the room which was often. He left because our whole sweet used to play starcraft and he said we were too noisy.
After that week Russ, who didn’t like his roommate decided to take his place, and moved in with me. Russ and I were roommates the rest of that year and all of the next. The summer after freshman year, and sophomore year I decided to take a class over the summer and live on campus so I got another weird roommate then. The first roommate which I can not recall his name used was by far the strangest I’ve ever had. He ended up dropping his class so he had absolutely nothing to do all day long. Whenever I was in the room he used to sit on his bed and stare either at the door or at my back & monitor. So whenever I was in the room, my internet activities were monitored.. Freaky.
The summer after, as I said I had another random roommate, David, who actually was ok :). Through him I met Murat who at one point was even going to set up a blog here on Not too much to say there.
For the next two semesters, (sophomore and senior year) I’ve been living with Martha aka BUY BUY BUY, SELL SELL SELL aka Brian. I think for the most part we’ve goten along greatly, and I’m going to miss rooming with him. Best of luck Brian! Damn you for graduating hehe.
As I said earlier, I still have one more semester left at UMass. I hope my “random roommate” will work out. =]
These last two years really seem as if they’ve flown by. So much has happened, but happened so fast its hard to remember it all. I’m thankful I was able to share the times with a lot of great friends including Elizabeth, Elliott, Russ, Brian, Chris, Jeff, Mac, Evan, Don, Brett, Capri, and many more. You guys are great. 🙂
I’m still not exactly sure what I’m going to be doing for the summer, but it will include working in Amherst almost definitely. More details will be posted when they become available hehe.
Well since this blog entry is already over a page I guess I’ll wrap it up. I’m at OIT right now and am thirsty so I think I’m going to get something to drink. Have a great summer everyone!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Chris May 21, 2003 at 3:35 pm

Jay – you’re great too…you best stay in amherst boy!! You forgot to mention the incident with the ISP and OIT 😉 Anyway, I’m at peace out for now


marf May 22, 2003 at 4:02 pm

Yeah Jay,
There were some good times. I want to thank you for showing me the way as a true computer enthusiasts. More than half of what I really learned at Umass was outside of class and you really helped in that half. Phreak Heaven!


Brian May 22, 2003 at 5:43 pm

It’s been one hell of a ride. I’m going to miss you buddy. I’m sure I’ll post more later.


Elliott May 23, 2003 at 1:45 am

It’s weird to think that you might not be around here much in years to come. I graduated and I stayed. I guess I’m one of the phew. Think about staying in the area, it is a great place to live. But, follow whatever path will lead to your most rewarding career; therein lies success.


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