Urgo’s 8th

by Urgo on June 23, 2003

One question that most people ask me at some point is how I became known as Urgo. I’ve wanted to post the story on my blog for a long time but have just not had the time, or thought it was an appropriate time. Since (today) June 23rd this year is Urgo’s 8th birthday this is as good as time as any. The story goes something like this.

On June 23, 1995, a Friday afternoon, I was 14 years old and sitting at friend of mine’s house (I believe he went by Elthar back then). My mission was to come up with a good name for an Uruk-Hai character for an Internet text based role-playing game based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy named Elendor. Since this was the summer after I finished the 8th grade I had been using the Internet and BBS’s for over a year already, but at this point usually I just went by my real name or some stupid temporary name whenever I needed an alias, so the events that took place on this day truly were monumental.

From what I remember I decided upon the name Urgo after 30+ minutes of brainstorming with my friend. Of all the names that we thought of, this was the only one that seemed to fit. So on June 23, 1995 a new character was born, and Urgo emerged as my Internet personality. From that day forward on IRC, instant messenger, message boards, and any other online site that requires registration I have used the name Urgo.

Just a side note about Urgo”666″. I started using the number 666 after my name back in ~1998 when I got an AIM screen name. (Someone apparently has been holding onto Urgo for the past 8 years on aol and never using it) At this time everyone was using either their age (lame), the current year, 69, or their favorite number in their screen name. Since I didn’t like any of those ideas or have a favorite number, and I wanted to be different I thought 666 would be an ok choice. I am not a devil worshiper (I have been called Urgo Satan before). They are just numbers. My name is Urgo not Urgo666. Anyway I’m trying to come up with a better addition to Urgo for sites that require more then just Urgo. Any suggestions?

Happy Birthday Urgo! Send Presents here: =]

PS: My 10th birthday is going to be a big party so keep June 23rd free in 2005 =]

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Elliott June 23, 2003 at 10:24 pm

I’m 25.5 today. 🙂


siokaos June 28, 2003 at 3:54 pm

OOOOH! Am I invited to your 10th birthday?
It should be at Chuck-E-Cheezes!


marf June 29, 2003 at 1:41 pm

haha, oh yeah! Definitely at Chuck-E-Cheezes. Jay I recomend urgone, urgasm, urgough, urguff, |_|r60, urgastic, or marfasticIsAGodLetsAllGatherRoundAndWorshipTheMarfastic.


cyrus June 29, 2003 at 11:11 pm

hey, now, marf. Who you tryin’ to fool with that last one? 😉 I think urgone is kinda cool…or maybe ‘sirgo’ (‘sir urgo’).
And I’ll definitely try to swing by on his 10th, depending on where you and I both is at the time 😉


marf July 5, 2003 at 10:17 pm

Jay maybe you should just get right to the point this time and call your self UrgoIamASatanWorshipper.


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